The Actors Ichikawa Ebizo I as Miura Osuke, Ichikawa Danjuro lV as Okazaki Akushiro, and Nakamura Sukegoro I as Kato Arajiro in the play “Miura no Osuke Bumon no Kotobuki,” performed at the Nakamura Theater in the eleventh month
Part of The Actors Ichikawa Ebizo I as Miura Osuke, Ichikawa Danjuro lV as Okazaki Akushiro, and Nakamura Sukegoro I as Kato Arajiro in the play “Miura no Osuke Bumon no Kotobuki,” performed at the Nakamura Theater in the eleventh month
The Actors Ichikawa Ebizo I as Miura Osuke, Ichikawa Danjuro lV as Okazaki Akushiro, and Nakamura Sukegoro I as Kato Arajiro in the play “Miura no Osuke Bumon no Kotobuki,” performed at the Nakamura Theater in the eleventh month