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Local Liberation: Examining the waves of feminism from past and present in Arizona

3rd Wave Feminism

The third wave of feminism which began in the late 80s is often overlooked since it carried much less media attention and discarded the radical take from the previous wave. This wave shifted its focus onto taking back the objectification of women from the male gaze and efforts moved into the academic world rather than the public eye. Teaching about feminism and women's history began to emerge in this third wave, and there was much less talk of active feminism support. Included below is a newspaper clipping from Northern Arizona Univeristy in 1990, highlights one of their female "feminist" professors and her views on teaching about feminism in a professional, academic setting.

Within the third wave, there was this push to move away from the feminist label because it carried such a radical connotation. The third wave has also been compared to when children make an effort to set themselves apart from their parents and their beliefs since the unlabeled feminists of the 80's and 90's seemed to believe the movement was over and the technical job had been done, now it was a matter of taking their image back. It is arguable that we may still be in this third wave, however more recent social movements such as #MeToo, have begun to re-light that original feminist spark that shone so brightly in the mid-century.