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As expressed by the image above, current feminist efforts deal heavily with the topic of female reproductive rights which have recently come under question in the presence of abortion laws/restrictions an the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who favored gender equality and women's rights. There is also a strong presence of intersectionality in this modern feminist wave, making inclusion one of the top priorities.
Feminism is not an event or just a piece of history, rather it is an ongoing movement that will continue so long as gender exists. It has seen many phases and taken many shapes and it may continue to do so, however current efforts wish to create a more inclusive society for all genders and sexualities, which often seems shadowed by the word "feminist". Some individuals give their own meaning to the label and some choose to forego it completely, regardless, feminism holds its basis in the belief that all genders should be treated fairly and equally. It is not a "women issue" but a human rights issue, hence the invitation for all to play their own role in the movement.
Arizona has seen each feminist wave unfold, even if they were not as extreme as in other areas, however there is still a fight to be fought in Arizona, ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment If you wish to learn more about current efforts in Arizona regarding the ERA, visit the Arizona National Organization for Women (AzNOW): https://aznow.org