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Love: How the Gods Could be Human

Love: How the Gods Could be Human-Mckenzi

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  • Venus and Adonis
    Venus sits under a tree nude, clutching Adonis's arm. She looks up to him, imploring Adonis to not leave her. Adonis holds a staff in his hand furthest from Venus, with hunting dogs off to his side. Cupid sits at the couple's feet, also clinging onto Adonis.
  • Mckenzi Monical
  • Venus, Adonis and Cupid
    Venus, Adonis, and Cupid are sheltered by a tree. A hunting dog is to Adonis's left while he leans over the nude Venus. Cupid clings to the goddess as she looks back over her shoulder at her lover.
  • Ganymede
    Jupiter, disguised as an eagle, captures the young Ganymede. Ganymede reaches out to two female figures, handing them a cup while other godly figures dine in the cloud like city of Olympus behind them.
  • Venus of Urbino
    Venus reclines on a lounge cushion, nude in a personal room. Her hair is done and two maids are seen in the background preparing a dress for her. A dog sits by her feet and in her right hand she holds a bundle of roses while the left covers her pubis.
  • Daphne Fleeing from Apollo
    Apollo chases after the nymph Daphne. Though he cannot reach her, his arms extend in a motion for her to stop. She looks back but her body is already transforming into a tree, her arms being forced together into a branch at the edge of a river.
  • Apollo and Daphne
    Apollo, in red and gold, chases after the nymph Daphne, in blue and white. She looks back at him as he calls out to her. Cupid watches over the pair from a cloud in the sky.
  • The Rape of Europa
    Jupiter, disguised as a white cow, abducts Europa. He swims with her on his back across the sea as three women call out to Europa, two cows apart of the herd Jupiter disguised himself in and a looming mountain range behind them.
  • Slumbering Venus
    Venus reclines nude on red and white drapes, in the hills of a countryside. Her eyes are closed and her left hand obscures her pubis, her right hand cushioning her head.
  • Venus Rising from the Sea (Venus Anadyomene)
    Venus takes up the entire painting, from her knees up. The background is blue, indicating the sky and sea from which she rises. Venus leans over, wringing her hair of the sea water.
  • Venus with a Mirror
    Venus sits on a luxurious cushion with a deep red robe with gold embroidery. Her son Cupid tilts a mirror towards her as another cherub behind the mirror places a laurel wreath on her already done-up hair.
  • Apollo and Daphne
    The god Apollo chases after the nymph Daphne in the midst of an empty field. Just as he reaches her, arms surrounding her middle, she is transformed into a tree. Her arms extend upward, mid-transformation into branches.
  • An Allegory with Venus and Cupid
    A mass of bodies fills the space of the painting. Venus and her son Cupid are nude, tangled together. They kiss as Cupid attempts to steal Venus's tiara and gropes her breast at the same time. Venus meanwhile steals an arrow from his quiver.
  • Leda and the Swan
    Leda, a mortal, leans naked on her goldy lover, Jupiter in the form of a swan. The pair are hidden in a thick of trees from those in the background of the painting. Small, nude children hatch from egg shells at the feet of the lovers.
  • Jupiter and Semele
    The mortal Semele lays in a lush green bed, nude, in an open setting of Greco-Roman ruins on top of a hill. She looks out towards the sky where Jupiter thunders down in a storm. A cloud of black and grey with sparks of lightening engulf his form as he falls towards his lovers bed.
  • Bacchus and Ariadne
    The moment the god of debachery, Bacchus, fell in love with princess Ariadne. She stands, her back to the viewer, on the shore of the island Naxos where hero Theseus has abandoned her. Bacchus, touring the island with a parade of women satyrs, and animals, leaps from his chariot down to her.
  • Jupiter and Io
    A dark, ominous cloud forms the shape of the king of gods, Jupiter. The cloud engulfs the background, only making a vague male form where his lips meet those of the human woman, Io. She rests on rock ledge, body leaning up into the formless storm cloud, Jupiter, who wraps a just forming hand around her nude back. Io turns her face from the gods kiss, holding on to his amorphous form.
  • Primavera
    Venus, central to the scene stands isolated from her companions in the center of a meadow. She is dressed in beautiful, fine silky white dress, embellished with gold, a crown upon her head attached to a gossamer veil. The Three Graces and Mars stand on her right, and Zephyr, the wind god, and goddess of flowers, Flora, stand to her left. Zephyr chases after Flora and she is shown transforming from nymph to goddess. The Graces dance and Mars reaches for a piece of fruit in one of the trees while cupid flies over their heads, aiming his arrow for the Graces. These figures join usher in springtime.
  • Venus and Mars
    Lovers, Venus and Mars recline in a field. Venus, fully clothed gazes at her sleeping partner, only covered by a white sheet. Three mischievous satyrs, half boy half goat, lift Mars' weapon while one wears his helmet and another blows a conche directly into Mars' ear.
  • Venus and Cupid
    Venus reclines on a blanket of lush blue fabric, underneath a tree hung with red drapery. her son, Cupid, and she hold onto a laurel wreath in which Cupid urinates through onto his mother. He smiles mischievously as Venus is turned away. Symbols of marriage and love, such as the myrtle wreath, along with symbols of the goddess, the seashell and the roses embellish the scene, identifying it as a marriage portrait.
  • Mars and Venus United by Love
    Mars and Venus are shown attempting to cover themselves as two cupid's interrupt their love. One cupid is tying the legs of the nude Venus and partially clothed Mars together while the other keep's Mar's horse at bay. Venus cups her breast, milk flowing from it as Mars pulls lush blue fabric to cover her bottom half.
  • Birth of Venus
    In the center of this painting, the goddess Venus arises from a pink shell on the island of Cyprus, nude. She attempts to cover herself with her hair and arms. The wind god Zephyr and possibly the goddess Aura fly in on the right of the painting, roses floating around their bodies. Zephyr blows a gust of wind to billow out Venus's hair and the cloak that possibly one of the Graces is holding out to cloth the nude goddess as she exits the shell.
  • Renaissance architectural detail
    This drawing is a detail of an architectural design. It depicts an archway with a frieze above the entrance and an Ionic column to the left of the arch.
  • Venus and Adonis
    This painting by Titian depicts a worried Venus attempting to stop her lover Adonis from departing the hunt. They are under cover of a large tree, where Venus sits atop a red bench. She clings to her lover's shoulders as he is mid step, her nude back to the viewer with a silky stream of fabric falling from her lap. Adonis holds a spear in one hand and the leash of two hounds in the other while staring into the eyes of Venus. Cupid, hugging a dove, looks upon the two in fear.