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Pioneering Women Archaeologists -Laura B.

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  • Lion Frieze
    This panel of bricks depicts a single lion posing against an intricate and detailed background.
  • Archers Frieze
    This colorful panel of bricks depicts five men walking in a row holding spears and carrying arrows on their backs. The panel is colorful, ornate, detailed, and intricate.
  • Laura Barclay
    This photograph is of Laura Barclay, the creator of this digital exhibit.
  • Annotated Draft of "Figures in a Landscape"
    This is an image of Jacquetta Hawkes' typescript draft for a short documentary film about the sculptor Barbara Hepworth titled "Figures in a Landscape". The draft includes typescript and handwritten amendments by Jacquetta Hawkes.
  • Jacquetta Hawkes' Exercise Book
    This is the green cover of Jacquetta Hawkes' exercise book. Her name is written on the name line, "26, Cleveland Gardens, London W.2." is written on the address line, and "Jersey arch. notes." is written on the subject line. There is a question mark written on the class line.
  • Jacquetta and Christopher Hawkes
    This photograph of Jacquetta Hawkes, Christopher Hawkes, and another man is in black and white. They are standing on a hill in the countryside and facing the camera.
  • Pen Drawings of Flints
    This loose piece of yellow graph paper has pen drawings of flint stones ranging in shape and size. The phrases "Prisoner of War Camp Quenoals" and "Pinnacle Upper Horizon" are written on the paper.
  • Dieulafoy Persia Album 5
    Two photographs are sitting on a gray/blue background. One photograph is fully visible and sitting on top of the other photograph. The photograph underneath is partially obscured leaving only a portion of the photograph to see. The photograph on top depicts a person sitting underneath a small shelter with two guns next to them. The person bears some resemblance to Jean Dieulafoy, meaning this could be a self-portrait. They are surrounded by some kind of grass or shrubbery. The photograph underneath appears to depict a landscape shot. "4 Phot. 18 (5)" or "Number 4 Phot 018 (5)" is written on the top right corner of the background.
  • Dieulafoy Persia Album 4
    This photograph is sitting on a gray/blue background. The photograph depicts a beach shoreline with tall cliffs and long boats sitting on the shore. There appear to be dogs walking by the boats. "4 Phot. 18 (4)" or "Number 4 Phot 018 (4)" is written on the top right corner of the background.
  • Dieulafoy Persia Album 3
    This photograph sits on a gray/blue background. The photograph includes people on a landscape. "4 Phot. 18 (1)" or "Number 4 Phot 018 (1)" is written on the top right corner of the background.
  • Dieulafoy Persia Album 2
    This photograph sits on a gray/blue background. The photograph contains an image of a long building with many archways. "4 Phot. 18 (2)" or "Number 4 Phot 018 (2)" is written on the top right corner of the background.
  • Dieulafoy Persia Album 1
    These three photographs are sitting on a gray/blue background. The photographs include buildings and people. "4 Phot. 18 (1)" or "Number 4 Phot 018 (1)" is written on the top right corner of the background.
  • Dieulafoy Wood Engraving
    This is a wood engraving of Jean Dieulafoy based on the photograph by Eugène Pirou. Her picture is set in an oval shape with a white background. The bottom of the engraving reads "Mme Dieulafoy." and is signed with "H. Thiriat sc".
  • Jean Dieulafoy Holding an Umbrella
    This is an illustrated postcard of Jean Dieulafoy standing and holding an umbrella. She is wearing a suit and a top hat. The postcard says "Edition E.D.B." and "Madame Jane Dieulafoy, Auteur de Parysatis".
  • Jane Dieulafoy portrait
    Jane Dieluafoy poses for a portrait wearing a suit with a pin on the collar. She has a short haircut and is looking towards the camera, but slightly turned away. The bottom of the photograph reads "5 Bard St Germain 5, Paris, Au Rez-de-Chaussée, Eug. Pirou" and is stamped with the phrase "Société de Paris Géographie."
  • Jane Dieulafoy
    Jane Dieluafoy poses for a portrait wearing a suit with a pin on the collar. She has a short haircut and is looking away from the camera so that we can see her side-profile. The bottom of the photograph reads "5 Bard St Germain 5, Paris, Au Rez-de-Chaussée, Eug. Pirou."
  • Jacquetta Hawkes
    Jacquetta Hawkes poses for a portrait outside. She is wearing a white coat and has a scarf tied around her neck. She is looking away from the camera with a slight smile.
  • Jacquetta Hawkes and J.B. Priestley
    Jacquetta Hawkes and J.B. Priestley pose for a black and white portrait. Jacquetta is wearing a light-colored dress and a light-colored hat. She is looking at Priestley, while Priestley looks at the camera. They both have smiles on their faces. There is an open book on the table in front of them.
  • Knap Hill Camp Artifacts
    This is a drawing of artifacts excavated at the site at Knap Hill Camp. The objects included are iron nails, a key, tweezers, a spindle, a piece of chalk, a bone pin, and more.
  • Knap Hill Camp Drawing
    This is a sketch of the birds-eye view of Knap Hill Camp. The drawing indicates scale, direction, and architectural features.
  • Vessel
    This is a reddish brown pottery vessel formed into a bowl shape.
  • Maud Cunnington
    Maud Cunnington poses for a portrait wearing a large coat and a hat. She has a slight smile on her face.
  • Vessel Sherds
    These are two decorated rim sherds of pottery vessels. They have a reddish brown fabric with a grey core.
  • Woman and Cats
    A woman holding a black cat reclines next to another black cat that is already laying down.
  • Still Life with a Skull and a Writing Quill
    In this still life, close observation and realistic detail operate in tension with explicit symbolism. The toppled glass, gap-toothed skull, and guttering wick of an oil lamp all serve as stark symbols of life’s brevity. Working with a limited palette of grays and browns, Claesz carefully describes the surfaces of these unsettling objects. By arranging them on a pitted stone ledge, the artist connects the picture’s space to our own, making the message all the more compelling.