Inspection At Camp Tuthill, Arizona
- Title
- Inspection At Camp Tuthill, Arizona
- Rights
- Fort Tuthill Military History Museum, Public Domain.
- Creator
- Unknown Photographer
- Date
- August 23, 1933
- Description
- Members of the Arizona National Guard participate in an inspection at Camp Tuthill. Lined up left to right are soldiers on foot in formation, soldiers on horseback in formation, a line of cannons with smoke billowing above, and 9 Ford automobiles in a field amongst pine trees
- Format
- Digital file, Jpeg.
- Publisher
- Mackenzie Daw
- Contributor
- Mackenzie Daw
- Subject
- Inspection; camp; Fort Tuthill; Flagstaff; Arizona; horses; cannons; Ford; automobiles; pine trees; field.
- Source
- Jpeg file. Mackenzie Daw. Fort Tuthill Military History Museum.
- Site pages
- Fort Tuthill Military Museum