The purpose of this exhibit is to highlight the role of women in the Arizona National Guard and the work of the Fort Tuthill Military History Museum in Flagstaff, Arizona. It is my goal to provide a comprehensive history of women in the United States National Guard in order to show the evolution of roles, responsibilities, and promotions while highlighting the careers of high-ranking women as well as Army Sargent Mary Herrera and her sacrifice in combat. I am hopeful that this exhibit will shed light on women’s role in the military and give women veterans the feeling of being seen, while exposing the public to a new side of National Guard history. Because currently, there is no exhibit at the Fort Tuthill Military Museum highlighting the role of women, this digital exhibit will allow more access to information about women’s roles in the military and increase interest in the museum, giving our team further opportunities
Originally, this project was to be done in conjunction with the physical exhibit I had been tasked with designing for the Fort Tuthill Military Museum to satisfy my Museum Studies internship requirements; but due to COVID-19 concerns the fabrication of a physical exhibit is no longer possible. The current global climate has provided a new perspective to this digital exhibit, as museums are forced to operate without visitors being able to attend the museums in person.