AMS and ACGT Seminar, Jim Swift

AMS and ACGT Seminar

Applied Math Seminar (AMS)

Spring 2019

In talks on the Equivariant Branching Lemma, I talk about an example I used in my PhD thesis. Here is the start of Chapter 2. Here is a mathematica notebook about invariant subspaces in the level 2 Sierpinski pre-gasket.

Fall 2018

Towards an O(h^2) 0-Neumann finite difference scheme for the Laplacian.
One-dimensional region: fppFiniteDifference.nb,
Two-dimensional region with one grid point outside region (Edge case) NeumannBC1pt.nb,
Two-dimensional region with two grid points outside region (corner case) NeumannBC2pt.nb.

Fall 2016

Coupled Oscillators

Spring 2014

Ridders' Method. Here are a few Mathematica notebooks; rootfindingwithbracketing.nb and rootfindingwithbracketingfigures.nb.

Fall 2013

Finding periodic orbits in the Lorenz Attractor. Here is a cdf of the banner image at the math department site. This shows two periodic orbits: L9R and R9L. Here is the Mathematica notebook that produced that image.

Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry and Topology (ACGT) seminar series at NAU

The logo for ACGT is a picture of the biology building at Rice University, at which location the letters stand for Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine, the four nucleic acid bases that make up DNA.

Fall 2014

I did this example of the Petrie of the Tetrahedron as a "homework" for of Steve Wilson's series entitled "Operators on Maniplexes, whatever they are".

Spring 2013:

Figure inspired by Mike Falk's talk on Jan. 22.

Mathematica demonstration 4 ODEs used in Jim Swift's AMS 2013-02-28.

Fall 2012

Dana Ernst gave several talks about Coxeter groups. I made several drawings scanned here:
Tiling of elements of the Coxeter Group < s1, s2, s3 : e = s12 = s22 = s32 = (s1 s2)3 = (s2 s3)3 = (s3 s1)3 > = Ã2 in terms of Coxeter Generators
Tiling of elements of the Coxeter Groups I and < s1, s2, s3 : e = s12 = s22 = s32 = (s1 s2)4 = (s2 s3)4 > = C2-tilde in terms of Coxeter Generators
Tiling of elements of the Coxeter Group < s1, s2, s3 : e = s12 = s22 = s32 = (s1 s2)4 = (s2 s3)4 > = C2-tilde in terms of heaps

Spring 2012

February 2, 9, 16: Jim Swift talked on three subjects:

TOOT and OTTO. A "simple strategy game for ages 4-8". Here is a proposal for game notation.

Efforts to make a really big image of the Logistic Map Bifurcation Diagram (6957 KB). This one is 6800 x 2300 pixels, which is 34 in x 11.5 in at 200 dpi. Physics has a color printer that can print 34 inches by any length. My goal to to make a huge bifurcation diagram with 20000 x 6800 pixels, which is 100 in x 34 in at 200 dpi, for the halls of the Math building.
Here is a small copy of the Mural that should be at the Lumberjack Mathematics Center. The bit-mapped part in the upper right corner (which didn't get printed at the LMC) is 29,754 x 9,000 pixels in the full-sized original.

Symmetric Embeddings of Graphs. Here is an example for the Petersen Graph

Neuberger-Swift Seminar

Fall 2014

Mathematica notebook with an example of the polynomial f trick for the GNGA.
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