James W. Swift


Curriculum Vitae




                1978-1984                    University of California at Berkeley

                                                        Ph.D. in Physics (December 1984)

                                                        Dissertation:  “Bifurcation and Symmetry in Convection”

                                                        Research Advisor:  Edgar Knobloch


                1974-1978                    University of California at Santa Cruz

                                                        B.A. in Physics (September 1978)

                                                        Awarded Highest Honors in the Major


Professional Experience


                1990-Present                Associate Professor in Mathematics at Northern Arizona University.  Tenure since spring 1994.


                1989-1990                    Research Scientist under the supervision of Martin Golubitsky in the Mathematics department at the University of Houston.


                1988-1989                    Temporary Lecturer at the Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, U.K.


                1988 June-July             Postdoctoral Fellow at Les Houches Center for Theoretical Physics, France.


                1984-1988                    Research Fellow at King’s College, Cambridge, and Research Associate in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, U.K.


                1985 July-Aug.             Postdoctoral Fellow in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


                1980-1984                    Research Assistant at UC Berkeley in bifurcation theory and convection under the direction of Edgar Knobloch.


                1978-1983                    Teaching Assistant at UC Berkeley Physics Department.


Refereed Publications


“Symmetries and Pattern Selection in Rayleigh-Benard Convection,” Physica D 10, pp. 249-276 (1984). With M. Golubitsky and E. Knobloch.


“Suppression of Period Doubling in Symmetric Systems,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 52:9, pp. 705-708  (1984). With K. Wiesenfeld.


Hopf Bifurcation with the Symmetry of the Square,” Nonlinearity 1, pp. 333-377 (1988).


 “Three Identical Oscillators with Symmetric Coupling,” Nonlinearity 3, pp. 585-601 (1990). With Peter Ashwin and G.P. King.


 “Stationary Bifurcation to Limit Cycles and Heteroclinic Cycles,” Nonlinearity 4, pp. 1001-1053 (1991). With Mike Field.


“The Dynamics of n Weakly Coupled Identical Oscillators,  Journal of Nonlinear Science 2, pp. 69-108 (1992). With Peter Ashwin.


“Averaging of Globally Coupled Oscillators,” Physica D 55, pp. 239-250 (1992). With Steven Strogatz and Kurt Wiesenfeld.


“Unfolding the Torus:  Oscillator Geometry from Time Delays,” Journal of Nonlinear Science 3, pp. 459-475 (1993). With Peter Ashwin.


Hopf Bifurcation and the Hopf Fibration,” Nonlinearity 7, pp. 385-402 (1994). With Mike Field.


“Measuring Rotation Sets of Coupled Oscillators,” Nonlinearity 7, pp. 925-942 (1994). With Peter Ashwin.


“Torus Doubling in Four Weakly Coupled Oscillators,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 5:1, pp. 231-241 (1995). With Peter Ashwin.


“Averaged Equations for Josephson Junction Series Arrays,” Physical Review E 51:2, pp. 1020-1025 (1995). With Kurt Wiesenfeld.


“Stability of Periodic Solutions in Series Arrays of Josephson Junctions with Internal Capacitance,” J. Nonlinear Science 7, pp. 503-536 (1997).  With Shinya Watanabe.


“Observing the Symmetry of Attractors,” Physica D 114, pp. 315-337 (1998). With Jeffrey H. Schenker.


Newton’s Method and Morse Index for Semilinear Elliptic PDEs,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11:3, pp. 801-820 (2001). With John M. Neuberger.


“Numerical Solutions of a Vector Ginzburg-Landau Equation with a Triple-Well Potential,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 13:11, pp. 3295-3306 (2003). With John M. Neuberger and Dennis R. Rice, Jr.


“The Boundary of Weighted Analytic Centers for Linear Matrix Inequalities,” Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics 5:1, Article 14, 21 pages (electronic), (2004). With Shafiu Jibrin.


Computing Eigenfunctions on the Koch Snowflake: A New Grid and Symmetry," Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 191, pp. 126-142 (2006). With John M. Neuberger and Nándor Sieben.


“Symmetry and Automated Branch Following for a Semilinear Elliptic PDE on a Fractal Region, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 5:3, pp. 476-507 (2006). With John M. Neuberger and Nándor Sieben.


“Automated Bifurcation Analysis for Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Difference Equations on Graphs,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 19: 8, pp. 2531-2556 (2009).  With John M. Neuberger and Nándor Sieben.


“An MPI Implementation of a Self-Submitting Parallel Job Queue,” International Journal of Parallel Programming 40:4, pp. 443-464 (2012). With John M. Neuberger and Nándor Sieben.


“A Linear Condition Determining Local or Global Existence for Nonlinear Problems,” Cent. Eur. J. Math. 11:8 pp. 1361-1374 (2013).  With John M. Neuberger and John W. Neuberger.


“Newton’s Method and Symmetry for Semilinear Elliptic PDE on the Cube,” SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 12:3, pp. 1237-1279, (2013). With John M. Neuberger and Nándor Sieben.


“Symmetry Analysis and Numerical Solutions for Semilinear Elliptic Systems,” Elect. J. of Diff. EQ – 2012 Variational and Topological Methods Conference Proceedings, (refereed conference proceedings) accepted.  With C. Tyler Diggans and John M. Neuberger.


Updated September 2013