MAT 137, Professor Swift

MAT 137, Calculus II

Prof. Swift, Fall 2023

Sudipta Mallik’s Notes     Syllabus     Schedule     WeBWorK     Exams
Darryl Nesters's Slope Field Applet.

Here is a link to NAU policy statements, and the math department policies that are part of the syllabus.

Contact information

My office phone, 523-6878, goes straight to voice mail.  You can send me e-mail at Here is my weekly schedule.
Please feel free to contact me any time via e-mail with any questions about the math, or with any feedback about the class.

Office hours are usually in my office, AMB 110. Occasionally I will be down the hall in the MAP room (AMB 137). If I am not at my office during office hours, look for me there.
M Tu W F: 11:30-12:20
Tu: 3:00-3:50
You can always send me e-mail, drop in to my office, or make an appointment if these times aren't convenient.

Recommended Texts:
Sudipto Mollik's Concise Calculus 2 is available on our Canvas Shell for download. This textbook was written for our Calc II class at NAU, and follow the WeBWorK sets closely. Sudipto Mollik’s Notes. This is an older, web-based, version of the pdf. It does not have homework problems, but we will be using webwork.
The “official” textbook is Whitman College Calculus, by David Guichard and friends. However, this book does not align as well as Sudipto’s pdf or notes with the topics we cover.
The old text book was Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 3rd edition, by Rogawski and Adams. If you want to buy a paper text on line, this is a good option.
A good online text is Paul’s notes, by Paul Dawkins of Lamar University. Our Calc II class has some material that is found in Paul’s Calc I and Differential Equations notes.
The Wikibooks Calculus textbook is pretty good, too.

Because NAU paid for a site license, you can now get Mathematica on your own computer! Details are at
This is a good webcast introducing you to Mathematica.

An excellent web-based calculator is

Most homework is assigned and graded using WeBWorK. Your username and password is the same as for LOUIE. (A typical username is abc123.) Use any WeBWorK link at this web site, or type in

This link has detailed information on WeBWorK (in pdf format). Some of the information is out of date. Your username and password are the same as for Louie.

Chart of letters of the Greek alphabet.

Aside from my office hours, we have lots of free help available.
The Math Achievenment Program (MAP) room is at the bottom of the big stairs, in AMB 137. Starting August 30, it will be open M-Th 10-6 and F 10-2. This is staffed by Peer Math Assistants (PMAs).
Free drop in tutoring and one-to-one tutoring is available at the North and South Academic Success Centers.

You can get extra credit for our course from points earned in the Problem of the Week. You can get up to 2 class points per week. For each problem, I will multiply your score out of 4 by 0.5 to get extra credit class points.
FAMUS (Friday Afternoon Undergraduate Math Seminar): Most Fridays at 3 pm in AMB 164 .
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