MAT 238, Professor Swift

MAT 238, Calculus III

Prof. Swift, Spring 2025

Home page     Schedule     Exams     WeBWorK     Syllabus

Home Page

Office hours are a time for you to talk to me about the class or anything. My office is AMB 110 (downstairs in the North-East corner, behind the Math office.)
I am available for you on Mondays and Wednesdays at from 1:45 to 4:00
You can always send me e-mail, drop in, or make an appointment if these times aren't convenient.

Recommended text: Paul Dawkins' Calc 3 Notes. Paul's notes on Vectors are at the end of his Calc 2 notes.
Other free online textbooks are Calculus: early transcendentals from Whitman College, and OpenStax Calc 3.

For a paper textbook, I recommend Calculus Early Transcendentals, 3rd Edition, by Rogawski and Adams. The numbering in the WeBWorK problems is from this book. You might be able to buy a used copy online for less than $15, since this is not the latest edition.

Here is an Introduction to WeBWorK. You probably won't need this if you have used WeBWorK in a previous class.
NOTE: You login name is your LOUIE account (e.g. jws8). Your password is same one you always use with this login name.

For 2-D plotting, I like Desmos Graphing Calculator.
For 3-D plotting, I like Desmos 3D, and CalcPlot3D.

Mathematica is available at the CEFNS computer labs on north campus, and at open labs in the Geology, Math, Chemistry, and SLF buildings. (But the Engineering School does not really embrace Mathematica much.) It is also available on the NAU Microsoft Virtual Desktop You can even get a copy installed on your machine. See Mathematica Licenses for Students. General information is available at the ITS article: Mathematica at NAU.
This is a great webcast introducing you to Mathematica.

You can get extra credit for our course from points earned in the Problem of the Week. The problems are due on Mondays at 11:59 pm, uploaded to the site listed at that page. The submissions are scored on a scale of 1 to 4 points, and I will halve your score and count that as extra credit class points.

FAMUS (Friday Afternoon Undergraduate Math Seminar): Fridays at 3 pm in AMB 164.

NAU offers free help in this class through the Math Achievement Program and the Academic Success Center.

Here is a flyer for MAT 239 or MAT 316 in Portugal this summer.

Lecture supplements, in reverse chronological order are at the Schedule page
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