xj' = yj - delta(yj-1 + yj+1) yj' = -xj + delta(xj-1 + xj+1) + yj(alpha - xj2) + beta(yj-1 + yj+1) + gamma(yj-2 + yj+2)where the subscript j is defined modulo N. The parameter alpha determines the strength of the nonlinearity, and beta, gamma, and delta are coupling coefficients.
N = 6 oscillators. alpha = 1 (a moderate amount of nonlinearity.) beta = 0. gamma between -2 and -5. delta = -0.1 (nonzero delta seemed to be necessary for chaotic behavior.)Table 2, on p. 335/p. 24 of our paper shows the different types of symmetry and dynamics we observed. All of these types are shown here in the figures.
List of figures
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