Savannah Jones An image taken of Savannah Jones by Jo Whitney. The image was taken at the Clara M. Lovett Art Museum in Flagstaff, AZ. In the image, Savannah is handling a piece from the museum's 3D collection room.
Episode 135 - The Discovery of Anne Boleyn‘s Falcon Badge with Paul Fitzsimmons A podcast done by TalkingTudors. This episode is by Natalie Grueninger in which they interview Paul Fitzsimmons. Fitzsimmons discovered that a 16th-century carving belonged to Anne Boleyn. It is an incredibly rare falcon badge. The falcon was a significant image to the Boleyn family. Many of Anne’s things were ordered to be destroyed after she was executed, which is what makes this carving so unique.
The Banquet of Henry VIII in York Place (Whitehall Palace) The painting shows Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII being greeted at York Place, which later became Whitehall Palace. They are met by Cardinal Wolsey and his court. York Place was the Cardinal’s place of residence. In the painting, Henry can be seen holding Anne’s hand while her gaze is cast downwards. Everyone in the painting is looking at the royal couple. The Cardinal is wearing his official red robes and has a hand outstretched towards Henry and Anne.
Jane Seymour This painting is a portrait of Jane Seymour. Jane was Henry VIII’s third wife and succeeded Anne Boleyn, after she was beheaded. The painting is left unfinished and this could be due to a number of reasons, but most likely due to Jane’s sudden passing. In the portrait, she is turned to the side clasping her hands in front of her. She is wearing red with a headpiece and necklaces.
Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603) A sculpture of Queen Elizabeth I from the bust up on a podium. In the sculpture, Elizabeth is looking downwards. She is wearing a large lace ruffled collar, pearl necklaces, teardrop earrings, and has jewels or pearls wrapped in her hair. Queen Elizabeth I was the daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII.
Snuffbox with portraits of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn and presentation inscription A snuffbox is typically a decorated box meant to hold snuff or tobacco. This snuffbox has a portrait of King Henry VIII on one side and Anne Boleyn on the other. The images are very colorful and the box itself is gold. There is an inscription on the inside of the box which states to whom it is for and a message to them. It states “Presented to Gilbert Flesher ESQ for his public spirited and successful exertions/ Northampton/ A.D 1837.”
Hever Castle: In Search of the Boleyn Family Home This video is an in-depth tour of Hever Castle. Follow along as the Tudor Travel Guide, Sarah Morris, is taken through the castle. Owen Emmerson who works at the castle leads the tour. Hever castle is of significance as it was Anne Boleyn’s childhood home and her family’s home. The castle still houses very important portraits of the Boleyn family.
Anne Boleyn Commending the Princess Elizabeth to the Care of Matthew Parker. The print shows Anne Boleyn standing behind her daughter, Elizabeth. Anne is instructing Matthew Parker to watch Elizabeth. Matthew Parker is kneeling before Anne and Elizabeth. Behind Anne there is a very large portrait of King Henry VIII. Next to the portrait, there is a door cracked open with two girls looking through at Anne and Elizabeth. The bottom of the print states “Anne Boleyn Commending the Princess Elizabeth to the Care of Matthew Parker.”
Inside Hever Castle The video goes through the Hever castle. It details what one can experience when visiting the museum in person or online. This is the castle which the Boleyn family grew up in. It contains many famous portraits of King Henry VIII’s wives. Anne’s room is also still intact and can be toured.
King Henry VIII The painting is a portrait of King Henry VIII. He is facing forward and looking straight ahead. Henry is wearing a cap that is lined with fur along the top. He is wearing two large gold chains.
Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn The painting shows Anne Boleyn sitting beside Henry VIII on a lounge. Anne is wearing a dress with large white puff sleeves and a full pink skirt. Henry has on a gold fur lined coat with tights. Henry appears to be showing Anne a green bird which he has resting on his finger. Next to Anne is a large yellow pot with a green design on it and a plant growing out of it. On the other side of Henry is a table with drinks and fruits.
Queen Elizabeth I The portrait is of Queen Elizabeth I, daughter of Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII. Elizabeth is wearing a large gown with puff sleeves and a high neckline. The dress has a large ruffly collar as well as lace at the ends of each sleeve. She has a long pearl necklace on as well as a beautiful crown with a vail on her head. Behind her in the background of the portrait, the royal crown can be seen. In one of her hands, she is carrying a large ostrich feather fan.
Portrait of a Lady called Mary Boleyn, Lady Stafford (1499-1543) The painting is of Mary Boleyn, the older sister of Anne Boleyn. Before her sister married Henry VIII, Mary was his mistress. It was only recently discovered that the painting was of Mary as it was just titled ‘Portrait of a Woman.’ It is a half-bust depiction of Mary, showing her looking to the left. She has a headdress on as well as two necklaces with large pendants.
Katherine of Aragon The print shows Katherine of Aragon sitting for a portrait. Katherine was the first wife of Henry VIII, whom he later divorced. In the image, she is seen from the bust up in dress decorated with strings of pearls and an ornate headdress. One of her hands can also be seen in the image holding what appears to be a rose. Katherine is facing towards the left and looking in a similar direction. Underneath the portrait, there is a depiction of a coat of arms or a family crest.
Portrait of Henry VIII of England The painting is a portrait of King Henry VIII. The Tudor king’s body is angled to the right while he looks forward. He is depicted wearing a hat lined with fur, a large gold chain with a gold medallion, and ornate clothing. In the painting, both of his hands can be seen. The background of the painting is blue, which causes him to stand out.
Henry VIIIs first interview with Anne Boleyn The painting depicts Anne Boleyn standing beside King Henry VIII. Anne gazes at the floor while Henry looks at her and holds her hand. His other hand is reaching for a goblet that a servant carries on a tray while kneeling before Henry. They appear to be in a room of the castle that ornately decorated in gold and paintings. In the background of the painting, there are people standing around and talking. Two men and a woman appear directly behind Anne.
King Henry VIII bringing to Court Anna Boleyn, who was afterwards his Royal Consort (Thomas Wolsey; Henry Algernon Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland; Katherine of Aragon; King Henry VIII; Anne Boleyn) The image shows King Henry VIII holding hands with Anne Boleyn. It depicts him bringing Anne to court, who later became his royal consort. In the engraving, a man, who possibly holds a position within the church as he wears a cross, looks at them disgustedly as he leans against an arm chair. At the bottom of the print there is writing which states “King Henry VIII bringing to court Anna Bullen, who was afterwards his royal consort.”
The Courtship of Anne Boleyn Anne Boleyn, who was a lady-in-waiting to Queen Catherine, is shown standing behind her in a crowded court room. Next to Anne stands King Henry VIII instead of next to his wife. He is depicted as whispering something in Anne’s ear whilst holding her hand. The painting shows the people of the court looking at Anne and Henry with distaste. The Queen is shown with her head bowed as she greets people into court.
Anne Boleyn The print is a portrait of Anne Boleyn that was made through engraving and etching. It is a half-bust depiction which shows her facing towards the left. In the portrait, she is adorned in pearls on her headdress and necklace. She is also wearing a dress with large puff sleeves and a low-cut.
Anne Boleyn An image of Anne Boleyn on a cigarette card. It shows her from the bust up whilst sitting for a portrait. In the image, she has a pearl headdress on with pearl necklaces. One of the pearl necklaces is her signature one with a “B” pendant. The card has “Player’s Cigarettes” written across the top and “Anne Boleyn” under the portrait.
Anne Boleyn A portrait of Anne Boleyn, in which she is shown from the bust up. In the depiction, she wears an elaborate headpiece decorated in pearls. She wears pearl necklaces along with her signature pearl necklace which has a “B” pendant. The painting is dark in colors, mostly dark browns, black, and dark green in the background. This usage of dark colors makes Anne stand out in contrast. Along the top of the painting there is writing which reads “Anna Bolina VXOR- Henri-Octa”.