A print that uses black lettering and yellow background paper. The title is bolded, and below this a group of skeletons is depicted. A massive skeleton in the background holds two missives in its hands. To the left and right of this skeleton are two more, both wielding their own pieces of paper. The foreground of this are three small skeletons, and from left to right; mouth wide open holding a flyer in its right hand gesturing towards a skeleton to its left, the next one faces behind it waving wildly to the skeletons behind it, and the right most one waves a paper at the skeleton to its right. All of these skeletons wear straw hats and have striped shirts and pants. The skeleton to the leftmost of the image is dressed in all black and is the only skeleton that has pupils. It sits watching the others at a table with a tablecloth that has a white cross on it. The skeleton to the right most of the image is dressed in a wide-brimmed hat and is gesturing while talking to a skeleton in the background. It sits at a table with a table cloth that has a black cross. Below this is four separate pieces of text, each with an image at the bottom of them. From left to right; A skull facing right with paint brushes and a color palate in its mouth, a skull with its jaw open wide facing left towards a glass filled with liquid, a skull facing forward with a detailed swirl underneath, and a skull facing right, jaw darkened, stick in and out through its temple, resting on a shadowed object. This is all encompassed by a solid frame all the way around a few centimeters from the edge of the sheet.
A print of a metal-engraving that's in black and white. The skeleton on the left is presumed male. He wears a sombrero, long-sleeved shirt that's rolled up to his elbows, light pants, and dark shoes. He kneels on one knee, bringing both of his hands up and together in a pleading gesture towards the skeleton on the right. This one is presumed female. She wears a dress and has a bow on the back of her head. She faces away from the male skeleton, and is holding up both her her hands to her chest, clasped together.
Zinc print in black and white. A skeleton is wearing an old fashioned soldier's hat, wielding a long torch used for lighting up the wicks of old cannons. The skeleton is firing a cannon to the right of the image, the shot itself paused in the middle of the cannon ball being fired off to the right.
Black and white zinc print. A female skeleton wearing a skirt and carrying a smaller skeleton (presumably a child) as well as a basket on her back. The larger skeleton is picking crops, while the smaller skeleton clutches onto the lightly colored cloth used to carry it. Both skeletons are facing to the right.
Zinc print in black and white. The top half of the print has a skeleton tending to a bar. Its right hand holds a bottle while its left holds a filled glass. The bar before it has two empty glasses with another much larger bottle sitting in between them. Below this is another skeleton, sitting in front of an easel. A paint brush is in its right hand while a color palette is in its left. The easel itself holds an unfinished painting of a skeleton with decorations adorning the top of its head. The bottom of the easel there's multiple discarded paintings, at least four. In the middle of the previously mentioned drawings is a pocket watch stopped at about eight fifty. Three random skulls appear at the top right, middle left, and bottom right of the print.
Print in black and white. A skeleton is walking to the left of the image. It wears a sombrero and has a thick, bushy mustache. A long striped blanket rests on it's right shoulder. A bottle is being held in its left hand. The skeleton is also wearing sandals, and light colored pants hang loose on its hips. You can't see its face because of how big its mustache is, and details above its eye sockets depict bushy eyebrows.
A combination of metalwork and carving. The metal part is silver, shaping a crown that sits on top of the skeleton's head and the perpendicular bones as well as the cross that the skull sits above. The cross appears to have dark crystals embedded into it, with the exception of a white one that rests in the middle and the very bottom. The skeleton is made out of some type of white, transparent crystal.
A picture of a stone carving that's in black and white. The stone itself looks light in color, and darker flecks can be seen scattered across the carving. The skull has a neutral facial expression, wide eyes, and a small vertical slit in the middle for its' nose. It has seven indentations on the top of its' head. Below its eyes, on the outside are two round parts that protrude outward that represent ears.
A print of a poster with black lettering and a green background. The title is bolded, "Calavera Comercial." Below this is a bunch of skeletons wearing various types of clothing, such as dresses, skirts, pants, vests, hats, sometimes nothing at all. Some of them are carrying baskets. They all surround a skeleton vendor who is selling candles hanging from his stall. The table of the stall has skulls scattered on it. Below this image is a bunch of text in Spanish. All of this is within a border, decorated in the same pattern all around with the difference being four circular patterns in the four corners of the border.
A print using zinc plates colored in black and white. A skeleton wearing a sleeping cap sits behind a bar. On the bar table are some cups and bottles, and behind the table is a shelf holding some bottle as well. The skeleton is leaning on the bar, both hands on the counter, and it's smiling while facing forward.
A print using zin plates colored in black and white. A skeleton wearing a dark hat runs to the right, newspaper in its' left hand and another tucked under its' right arm.
A print of a zinc plate. Colored black and white. A female skeleton faces to the right. She's smiling, her visible eye scrunched up in a way that shows she's happy. She has dark hair, done up in a bun in the back with curly bangs that go upward. She wears a dark fur coat.
A print in black and white of a metal engraving, though the background is aged so it looks light brown in color. It shows it group of skeletons racing one another on bicycles. From left to right the larger skeletons; a skeleton with four flowers spouting from his head, a skeleton with long wings, a long beard, and wearing a fez, a skeleton with a long open jaw and wearing a dark beanie, a skeleton with an open mount, moustache, and feathered hat, and lastly another skeleton with a moustache but a top hat. On the foreground are three smaller skeletons, left to right; one with an open jaw and elongated skull, one with a sombrero/gallon cowboy hat, and one wearing a skirt with an X on its head. Also on the ground is a fallen skeleton wearing a knight's helmet. The top left of the print also has a skeleton sporting a grin.
A print made using zinc plates. It's all in black and white. A group of skeletons in a line come from the left of the image, all dressed in funeral clothing. They are going towards a grave, where one skeleton lays on top of it with a blanket draped on top of it, tears falling from its' empty sockets. A few skeletons to the right of the grave have their hands up in front of them in a sympathetic gesture. One of them is even frowning. In the background there are three crosses, surrounded by other foliage such as bushes and trees. The foreground holds piles of skulls, bones, and wood.
Black imagery on a light brown background. Multiple skeletons are participating in jobs done typically by living humans during this time period in Mexico. One is stitching a jacket, another makes shoes, the one in the top right paints something on the wall, one is crafting a sombrero, and the skeleton to the right of the previous one is sawing some wood. Some of the skeletons looks like they're completely focused on their craft, while others are grinning. Line that are coming from the skull of the skeleton in the middle mimic hair.
A drawing of a skeleton that's dressed like a soldier. The drawing itself looks like it was done with pencil on paper, with a few stains appearing on the tope left and right corners of the artwork. The skeleton itself is facing to the right, a neutral expression on its face. The hat it wears is large, decorated in cords and small feathers adorn the top of it. Its trimming is the same, being a lighter shade than the hat. This can be said for the outfit the skeleton wears as well. High neckline, decorated with a sash, metals on its chest, and tassels adorn both of its shoulders. A clover appears to be sown into the side of the outfits collar.
A poster that has been printed in black ink, using a red-orange background. An inch away from the borders is a thin frame of perpendicular lines and small flowers/plants. A large title takes the top portion of the poster, each of the four words in different font styles. A pair of skeletons are on either side of the title, a man and female based on the suits and dresses they wear, and look to be in the middle of dancing. Below this are a few more pieces of text the are also surrounded by smaller skeleton pictures. One skeleton is sitting while reading a letter, another plays a guitar, and one even rides a bicycle.
A drawing that's pencil on paper, completely in black and white. It depicts a skeleton wearing a large hat along with what seems to be a long sleeved piece of clothing holds a drink in its hand. The skeleton appears to be smiling.
A faded poster made of paper and ink. About an inch away from the border, all around is a decorated frame made of swirls and vines. Inside this frame is a bolded title on top, cartoonish skeletons below this, and additional smaller text below that. The smaller text is separated by a singular skeleton with a tall cage behind it, a bottle on a small counter in front of it. The group of skeletons are the main focus, donning skirts and hats, drinking liquids and playing instruments. They dance around each other, as if they never died.
Pencil on paper drawing of a grinning, presumably female, skeleton with a large, ornate hate covered in feathers and flowers. The drawing is in black and white. Was originally published by Arsacio Vanegas Arroyo in Mexico City.
Colored pencil sketch of a turtle. Shows three separate drawings of the side, underside, and above profiling of the turtle. The first sketch is a top down sketch that is only in black and white. The second sketch is a right-side profile of the turtle, colored in green, yellow, and browns. The last sketch on the bottom is an underside sketch and also colored in green, yellow, browns, and some gray. Lastly at the bottom of the final sketch is a descriptor for the sketch. Originally published in London, Treuttel, Wurtz, Treuttel, Jun. and Richter, 1830-34 [i.e. 1835].
A weight carved in the shape of a frog, weighing 10 minas (about 500 grams or 18 ounces). Crafted out of some type of stone that's dark in color: a mixture of browns, grays, black, and white peppered together. The weight looks as if the frog is at rest, legs tucked underneath itself and eyes closed. It's lips are in a neutral position.