Build your own Scanning Probe Microscope



  The objective of this project is to create an inexpensive scanning probe microscope (SPM) that can be widely used by K12 and undergraduate students for educational and recreational purposes.


Design Reports Posters CAD Files
EE Report 2023 EE Poster 2023 Acoustic Box / Sheet
ME Report 2023
Concrete Base / Sheet

SPM Body / Sheet

Manuals Videos BOM
Mechanical Structure Mechanical Overview Mechanical Structure

Vibration Isolation Testing


Major Period
Nathan Shoults EE 2023--2024
Nicholas Arnold EE 2023--2024
Alec Markosian ME 2023--2024
Clay Culpepper ME 2023--2024
Lucas Abedrabbo ME 2023--2024
Phillip Krigbaum ME 2023--2024
Atlantida Felix EE 2022--2023
Loren Larrieu EE 2022--2023
Matthew Miller CE 2022--2023


Build Your Own SPM by Prof. Carlo da Cunha is licensed under CC BY 4.0 and CERN-OHL-W-2.0.