MAT 136 Exams

MAT 136 Exams, Spring 2024

There are no notes and no calculators allowed at any exams.

Exam 1 (MT 1) will be on Friday, February 9. (Webwork sets 1 - 8)
Exam 2 (MT 2) will be on Friday, March 8. (Webwork sets 9-14)
Exam 3 (MT 3) will be on Monday, April 8. (Webwork sets 15-20)
Exam 4 (MT 4) will be on Friday, April 26. (Webwork sets 21-25)

The Final Exam will be on Monday, May 6, in our usual classroom, from 10:00 to 12:00.

Blank Page     MAT 136 Home Page     WeBWorK     Exams
Instructor Information     Jim Swift's home page     Department of Mathematics and Statistics     NAU Home Page