Exams, 136

MAT 136, Calculus I

Prof. Swift, Fall 2024

Home Page     Schedule     Exams     WeBWorK     Syllabus


There are no notes and no calculators allowed at any exams.

Exam times are subject to change, and will be finalized at least one week in advance.
Exam 1 (MT 1) was Friday, September 20; week 4, day 4. (Webwork sets 1 - 8)

Exam 2 (MT 2) was on Tuesday, October 15; week 8, day 2. (Webwork sets 9-14, Derivative Review)
The MAP room held a review session on Tuesday, October 8. A recording is available at the MAP room Web page. Scroll down and click on "Watch Test Review Recordings".
Here is a histogram of the raw scores. The average was 33.7 and the median was 39, out of 60.
The original scaling was MT2 scaled = 100 + 1.4*(MT2 raw - 60) = 1.4*(MT2 raw) + 16.
This was updated to raise the scores to
MT2 scaled = 100 + 1.1*(MT2 raw - 60) = 1.1*(MT2 raw) + 34

Exam 3 (MT 3) was on Tuesday, November 5; week 11, day 2. (Webwork sets 15-20)
The MAP room hosted an exam review on Wednesday, October 30, from 6-7 in room 220. The recording is at the MAP room Web page. Scroll down and click on "Watch Test Review Recordings".
Here is a histogram of the raw scores. The average was 20.6 and the median was 20.5, out of 36.
The scaling is MT3 scaled = 100 + 1.8*(MT2 raw - 36) = 1.8*(MT3 raw) + 35.2.

Exam 4 (MT 4) will be Tuesday, November 26; week 14, day 2. (Webwork sets 21-25)
The MAP room hosted an exam review on Thursday, November 21, from 6-7 in room 220. The recording should eventually appear at the MAP room Web page. Scroll down and click on "Watch Test Review Recordings".
Here is a histogram of the raw scores. The average was 43.5 and the median was 49.5. The scaling is MT4 raw (out of 66) gets scaled to MT4 raw + 34 (out of 100).

The Final Exam will be on Wednesday, December 11, in our usual classroom, from 10:00 to 12:00.
The MAP room is hosting a Final Exam review on Wednesday, December 4, at 6:00 pm in room 220.

Blank Page     MAT 136 Home Page     Schedule     WeBWorK     Exams
Instructor Information     Jim Swift's home page     Department of Mathematics and Statistics     NAU Home Page
e-mail: Jim.Swift@nau.edu