MAT 201, Professor Swift

MAT 201, Problem Solving

Prof. Swift, Fall 2011

syllabus. Here is a link to NAU policy statements and math department policies.

There is a new format for listing the problems.
Sometime before class I post the updated pdfs with all problems, including new ones at the end, and
After class, when students have presented problems, some of them close, and I update the list with only open problems.

Each week, write up a solution to one of these open problems and bring it to class. If you cannot solve an open problem, you may do a write-up of a closed problem

Do these problems on your own. Do NOT try to find the solution on the internet, or post the question to a forum. You may, however, look on Wikipedia or MathWorld for help. Try to do the problems with pencil and paper. But if that doesn't work, a brute-force computer method is OK.

On Oct. 13, we discussed doing a Monte Carlo method for Problem 18. I did this in Mathematica. Steve Wilson assures me that this problem can be done with pencil and paper.
I also did an animation for the fox and rabbit problem, 12. Here is a still and an animation. If you have Mathematica, this notebook does the animation.

This figure for Problem 9 shows the set where all the centers of circle three lie, if circle 2 is fixed. The dotted curve is clearly not a circle.

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