MAT 238, Professor Swift

MAT 238 Exams, Fall 2021

Here are approximate dates and topics of the three in-class midterm exams. The true date and topics will be announced in class at least 1 week in advance.

Exam 1, on WeBWorK sets 12.1 to 13.5, was on Monday, Sept. 20 (week 5).

Exam 2, on WeBWorK sets 14.1 to 14.8, was on Friday, October 15 (week 8).

Exam 3, on WeBWorK sets 15.1 to 16.5, will be on Wednesday, November 17 (week 13).
Notice that this is a change from the announcement at the beginning of the semester. Exam 3 is not the day before Thanksgiving. We will have 3 WeBWorK sets (17.1, 17.2, and 17.3) after Exam 3.

The Final Exam will be on Wednesday, December 8, from 7:30 am to 9:30am. The Final exam will be comprehensive (covering the whole course), with a slight emphesis on the last 3 webwork sets.

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