MAT 239 Exams

MAT 239 Exams, Spring 2020

Exam 1 is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18 (Week 6).

Exam 2 is scheduled for Thursday, April 16 (Week 12).
This exam will cover WeBWorK sets 9-15. (Topic: Linear ODEs of order 2 or greater.)
The exam will be available on BbLearn at 9:30 am on April 16, and a pdf scan of your handwritten solutions must be uploaded to BbLearn by 11:00 am on April 17.

Exam 3 is canceled, due to COVID-19.

The Final Exam is scheduled for
Tuesday, May 5, from 7:30 to 9:30

Blank Page     MAT 239 Home Page     Schedule     WeBWorK     Exams
Instructor Information     Jim Swift's home page     Department of Mathematics and Statistics     Bb Learn     NAU Louie     NAU Home Page