MAT 239 Schedule

MAT 239 Schedule, Spring 2020

The links are to Paul's Notes, the section numbers refer to Boyce and DiPrima (10th edition).

A tentative course schedule follows. Exam days will be announced at least a week in advance, but they may differ from the dates listed here.

Week 1: Jan. 14, 16
Introduction, WeBWorK set 0 (introduction to WeBWorK), Classifying DEs intro to ODEs from Paul's notes (section 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 in Boyce and DiPrima)
direction fields (section 1.1)
WeBWorK sets 1 and 2

Week 2: Jan. 21, 23
separable 1st order ODEs (section 2.2)
Interval of Validity, or interval of existence of solutions. (section 2.4)
WeBWorK set 3,

Week 3: Jan. 28, 30
Linear 1st order ODEs (section 2.1)
1st order modelling (section 2.3). Solving dy/dt = k(y-A) by inspection.
WeBWorK sets 4, 5

Week 4: Feb. 4, 6
More first order modeling.
Autonomous Equations and Equilibrium Solutions (section 2.5).
Exact ODEs (Section 2.6).
WeBWorK sets 6, 7

Week 5: Feb. 11, 13
More Exact ODEs
WeBWorK set 8 on Euler's method (Section 2.7).
Review for Exam 1.

Week 6: Feb. 18, 29
Tuesday, Feb. 18: Exam 1 on Chapters 1 and 2 (2.1-2.7), and WeBWorK sets 1-8.
Thursday: WeBWorK set 9 on Basic Concepts and Real, Distinct Roots of the characteristic equation (section 3.1)

Week 7: Feb. 25, 27
Tuesday: Set 10: Fundamental Solution Sets, Linear independence, the Wronskian, and Abel's Theorem (section 3.2).
Thursday: More Theory for set 10.

Week 8: March 3, 5
Tuesday: Start set 11:  Complex roots of the characteristic equation, and Repeated roots of the characteristic equation. (section 3.3, 3.4, 4.1)
Thursday: More on set 11, Euler equactions (section 5.4). Start set 12: Linear nonhomogeneous ODEs (section 3.5, 4.3)

Week 9: March 10, 12
Tuesday: More on set 12: The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Spring Break, and start of online classes due to COVID-19

Week 10: March 23-27
WeBWorK set 12 is due 3-25.
WeBWorK set 13 is due 3-30: Second Order Modeling, especially modeling of Mechanical vibrations (sections 3.7, 3.8)

Week 11: March 30 to April 3
WeBWorK set 14 is due 4-6: Review of Power Series and Taylor series, section 5.1.

Week 12: April 5-11
WeBWorK set 15 is due 4-13: Series Solution to 2nd order ODEs. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 in the book.

Week 13: April 13-17
Thursday, April 16 to Friday, April 17: Midterm 2.
The ``stay home" exam covers WeBWorK sets 9-13.

Week 14: April 20, 24
WeBWorK set 16 is due 4-23: Introduction to Systems of 1st Order ODEs.
This covers section 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 in the book.
The sections in Paul's Notes are Systems of Linear Equations(not ODEs), Matrices and Vectors, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors and Introduction to Systems of Linear ODEs.

Week 15: April 27 to May 1
WeBWorK set 17 is due 4-30: Linear Homogeneous Systems.
Solutions to systems of Linear ODEs and the Phase Plane. Solutions to x' = Ax, where A has Real Eigenvalues, Complex Eigenvalues and Repeated Eigenvalues.

The Final Exam will be
Tuesday, May 5, from 7:30 to 9:30 in the usual classroom.

If this schedule disagrees with what I announced in class, please send me e-mail at

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