MAT 239 Exams

MAT 239 Exams, Fall 2023

These folowing dates are tentative. The actual date of each midterm exam will be announced at least 1 week in advance.

Groundrules: No calculators, no notes, no phones on your person, no watches (smart or otherwise), no earbuds. “No nothing.”

Exam 1, on WeBWorK sets 1-7, is scheduled for Monday, October 2 (Week 6).

A sample exam will be posted to Canvas. Studying the sample exam and the daily worksheets is a good way to study for the exam. Also, you should know how to do all the webwork problems. You probably don't have time to redo them all, but you should know the procedure for solving them.
Here are some mostly conceptual review questions:
What is the difference between a general solution and a particular solution?
What is an Initial Value Problem (IVP).
What is the difference between an explicit solution and an implicit solution?
Give an example of a 1st order ODE that is linear and autonomous. Then write down the general solution of that ODE.
Find the interval of existence for the solution to the IVP \(\frac{dy}{dt} = y^{1+c}, y(0) = y_0\), where \(c\) and \(y_0\) are positive constants.

Exam 2, on WeBWorK sets 9-13, is scheduled for Monday, October 30 (Week 10).
The topic is Linear ODEs of order 2 or greater.
The emphasis is on Linear Homogeneous ODEs with Constant Coefficients (LHODECCs) and Linear Nonhomogeneous ODEs with Constant Coefficients with Constant Coefficients (LNODECCs).

Exam 3, on WeBWorK sets 14-18, is scheduled for Friday, December 1 (Week 14)

The Final Exam is scheduled for
Monday, December 11, 12:30-2:30

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