MAT 362 Exams

MAT 362 Exams, Fall 2019

Exam 1 is scheduled for Thursday, October 17 (Week 8).
No notes are allowed. A graphing calculator is expected. A scientific calculator (with a "STO" button), or better, is required.
You may be asked to convert a half precision floating point number to decimal, even though this is not on the sample exam.
You may be required to state the Mean Value Theorem (Theorem 1.8), the Intermediate Value Theorem (Theorem 1.11), Taylor's Theorem (Theorem 1.14), and/or the Fixed Point Theorem (Theorem 2.4).
You may be asked to derive Newton's method, and/or the Secant Method, graphically. The exam will include problems similar to homework problems.
You may be required to do a few steps of Bisection Method or the Secant Method by hand on your calculator.
You may be required to to several steps of fixed point iteration (including Newton's Method) on your calculator using the "STO" button.
Be able to describe the advantages and drawbacks of each method.
The exam will cover sections 1.1-1.3, and 2.1-2.4 in the textbook, as well as Project 1. Anything covered in class or on homework might be on the exam, even if it is not on the sample exam.

You may not use cell phones or any internet-connected device at the exam.

The Final Exam is scheduled for Thursday, December 12 from 10:00 to 12:00.

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