gamma - -2.3 figure

gamma = -2.3

This is a Poincare section: the attractor is quasiperiodic (QP).
The symmetry of the attractor is Z6.
The attractor does not have reflection symmetry across the `x' axis in the top view or the bottom view. The periodic attractor shown at gamma = -2.4 continues to exist at -2.3 and it is bistable with the attractor shown here.

gamma = -2.2
              gamma = -2.2 and -2.3
gamma = -2.3   (This figure)

gamma = -2.4
              gamma = -2.4 and -2.5
gamma = -2.5

gamma = -4.2765
              gamma = -4.2765 and -4.2766
gamma = -4.2766

gamma = -4.5
              gamma = -4.5 and -4.6
gamma = -4.6

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