Female Skeleton
- Title
- Female Skeleton
- Rights
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Public Domain.
- Creator
- Jose Guadalupe Posada (1851-1913)
- Date
- ca. 1892
- Description
- A print of a zinc plate. Colored black and white. A female skeleton faces to the right. She's smiling, her visible eye scrunched up in a way that shows she's happy. She has dark hair, done up in a bun in the back with curly bangs that go upward. She wears a dark fur coat.
- Format
- Zincograph. Zinc plate print. 2 13/16 × 2 1/8 in. (7.2 × 5.4 cm)
- Publisher
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Contributor
- Akira Castillo
- Identifier
- 30.82.81
- Subject
- Dia; De; Los; Muertos; Day; of; the; Dead; Jose; Guadalupe; Posada; Skeletons; Calaveras; Death; Female; Fur; Coat; Profile.
- Source
- Jpeg file. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Digital Collection. Accessed October 20th, 2023.
- https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/735206
- Item sets
- Calaveras of Dia De Los Muertos-Akira C.
- Site pages
- Jose Guadalupe Posada
- Media
Female Skeleton
Part of Female Skeleton