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The Florentine Codex Book I Page 31 This codex belongs to a larger collection titled the General History of the Things of New Spain. This page with in the The Florentine Codex Book I shows a depiction of four Aztec God's from the Spanish perspective. One of the Gods that is depicted on this page is Cihuacóatl who is considered one of the mother Goddess.
Virgin and Child The statue is of the Virgin Mary in blue and gold robing holding the baby Jesus in her left arm. In her right hand she is holding a grapes on a stem. This statue is currently located within an alter piece that it was not originally a part of.
Rosary Bead with the Crucifixion and Resurrection The out side of the bead is carved to look like a scallop shell while the inside depicts both the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. This is done with one half of the bead having a carving of the Crucifixion while the other shows the Resurrection. The side of the Crucifixion shows Jesus nailed to the cross with the disciples looking up at him mournfully. The side showing the Reresection shows Jesus robed in a red cloth standing on a platform holding a cross with a flag. The bead is carved within a shell which is symbolic of Saint James meaning it was most likely taken on a journey.
Essay about the Miraculous Appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe The title of the book reads as: Disertacion de la Milagrosa Aparicion de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. This book tells the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe appearing on the hill of Tepeyac to Juan Diego. The cover page depicts an artistic rendering of the apparition to Juan Diego. Guadalupe is shown with rays of light coming behind her standing on what appears to be a cloud and a cherub. Juan Diego is dressed in a cloak holding a shepherds crook looking up at the apparition .
Nuestra senora de Guadalupe This print shows Our Lady of Guadalupe in a white dress and a red robe with white stars. She has the sun shining behind her and she is standing on a crescent moon which is held by a cherub. Above Guadalupe there is a dove flying in clouds. In the corners of the print there are four different instances of her appearing to people.
Tenochtitlan, 1521 This map shows Tenochtitlan and the surrounding area during its conquest by the Spanish in 1521. It shows a condensed town center which is positioned in the center of the swap land of Lake Texcoco. The map also shows the roads that lead from the city center into the country side. The map also depicts several people in boats on the lake itself and using the road ways.
Paper Cut of Our Lady of Guadalupe The paper cut depicts Our Lady of Guadalupe appearing to Juan Diego on the hill of Tepeyac. The paper itself is tri colored being red, white, and green the colors of the Mexican flag.
Jose Maria Martinez in Prison Praying to the Virgin of Remedies of Mexico The painting shows Jose Maria Martinez kneeling in a corner of a room looking up at the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The bottom of the painting has text that describes the scene in Spanish.
Mexica Female Religious Figure This drawing depicts two Aztec religious figurines both of which are unnamed. The top one shows a female figurine which is labeled as a priestess or deity. The bottom figurine shows another statue which has no specific labeling.
Photograph of Cathedral of Guadalupe in Mexico City The photograph shows facade of the Cathedral of Guadalupe in Mexico City.
Broadsheet about Our Lady of Guadalupe as the Patron Saint of the Mexican Republic The broadsheet shows an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe with two flanking cherubs with a title stating that she is the patron saint of Mexico. The other page shows a charm with Our Lady of Guadalupe drawn on it. The broadsheet has text in Spanish describing the event along with prayers. On the side showing the medallion there are also two children dressed in religious clothing.
Virgin of Guadalupe Appearing to a Man Holding a Hat The engraving shows a man holding a hat turning his head back towards an apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Lady of Guadalupe is shown with three cherubs around her feet.
Cloth Depicting Our Lady of Guadalupe The cloth shows Our Lady of Guadalupe with the sun shining behind her standing on a crescent moon with roses surrounding her. The text above her states 'Reina De Mexico' which translates to the queen of Mexico.
Biblioteca Del Niño Mexicano. El Grito de Libertad ó ¡Viva la Independencia! The cover of the book has a man dressed in black formal wear on a white horse surrounded by people on foot. The people on foot are dressed in traditional clothing with cloaks, shorts, straw hats, and sandals. The man on horse back is holding a white flag which has the Virgin Guadalupe on it. There is a man in similar clothing standing behind the man on the horse.
Codex of Azcatitlan This page depicts the invasion of Tenochitlan by the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes (1485-1547). On one side it shows the Conquistadors carrying a battle flag with an angel. The Spaniards are accompanied by what looks like enslaved Indigenous people and a well dressed black man. On the other side is shows the Mexica people holding a similar flag in front of a temple preparing for battle.
Second Letter from Hernan Cortes Page 14 Page 14 of the Second Letter of Hernan Cortes shows a hand colored map of Tenochitlan prior to Spanish Conquest. The entirety of the letter has been translated from Spanish into Latin. It shows the city center with homes that surround that area. The city is shown in the middle of a body of water with roads leading to the land around it.
Great Miracle of the Apparition of the Queen of Heaven, Saint Mary Our Beloved Mother of Guadalupe, Near the Great City of Mexico in the Place called Tepeyácac This book is the first written account in Nahutal of the apperation of Our Lady of Guadalupe which appered to Juan Deigo at Tepayac.
Brass Medallion Depciting Our Lady of Guadalupe The medallion depicts Our Lady of Guadalupe on one side and San Xavier on the other. Our Lady of Guadalupe is rendered as she usually is with sun rays behind her, standing on the hands of a cherub, and her hands clasped.
Our Lady of Guadalupe with Mexican Flag The print depicts both Guadalupe and the cherub holding her up as people of color. Guadalupe is wearing a red dress with gold patterning and a green cloak with gold stars. On one side of the Virgin there is a Mexican flag and on the other side there are roses.
The Virgin of Guadalupe with the Four Apparitions The painting depicts the Virgin of Guadalupe dressed in a red dress with flowers gilded on it and a blue cloak with gold stars. She is standing on a half moon which is held by a cherub who has red, green, and gold wings. In the four corners of the painting there are the depictions of Our Lady of Guadalupe's appearance to Juan Diego on Tepeyac.
Our Lady of Guadalupe The wood that the painting is on is rectangular in shape with a curved top. The painting depicts Our Lady of Guadalupe in a red dress and a blue cloak standing on the hands of a cherub. She is with in a tan oval with blue dots lining the interior side and blue spikes on the outside of the oval. There are two red flowers in the bottom corners of the painting with a blue and tan border that surrounds the entirety of the painting.
Broadsheet with image of Our Lady of Solitude of Santa Cruz , venerated in Mexico This print depicts Our Lady of Solitude standing on a pedestal surrounded by a boarder of flowers. The inscription written in Spanish at the bottom states: "Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Santa Cruz / Que se venera en Mexico."