MAT 362, Professor Swift

MAT 362, Numerical Analysis

Prof. Swift, Fall 2019

syllabus     homework and projects     exams

Instructor information, including contact information. My office hours are MWF 10:30-12:30 in AMB 110. Here is my weekly schedule. You can always send me e-mail, drop in, or make an appointment if these times aren't convenient.

Here is a link to NAU policy statements. These math department policies are part of the syllabus for our course.

This is a great webcast introducing you to Mathematica. Here is part 2. I suggest you look at it even if you know about Mathematica.

Chart of letters of the Greek alphabet.

The current Problem of the Week. You get extra credit for our course from points earned in the problem of the week.
FAMUS page for FAMUS (Friday Afternoon Undergraduate Math Seminar): Friday at 3 pm in AMB 164.

Figures and Help in reverse Chronological Order

Tuesday, November 14
Mathematica notebook ThreePointDerivative.nb.

More information about Cubic Bezier curves:
Here is a scan of the way Dr. Swift thinks about Bezier curves.
Here is a page from the Postscript Languge Manual on curveto, the Bezier curve command.
If you are interested in this, here is a sample postscript file, sample.eps. You can edit this to do the homework if you want! A good tutorial for postscript is learn postscript by doing
Here are some demonstrations of cubic Bezier curves: A single Bezier curve, followed by two Bezier curves with a common endpoint, and two Bezier curves with a smooth join.
Mathematica Notebook about Bezier curve in 1D.
Bezier Curve Pseudocode from the book. Here is a Bezier curve notebook, Bezier2D.nb in Mathematica. You can modify this to do the homework on section 3.6.

Tuesday, Nov. 5: Meet in Computer Lab, AMB 222. Work on homework and put it in google drive and on a hard-drive.

Friday, Nov. 1: Office hours moved to 10:15-11:15 and 1:00-2:45.

Tuesday, Oct. 29
Mathematica notebook about linear splines, quadratic splines, and cubic splines.

Thursday, Oct. 24:
Here is a scan of divided differences tables. This is how you use these tables to find the Lagrange polynomials that go through the data points.

Thursday, Oct. 24
Desmos graphing calculator showing the Lagrange Polynomial going through 3 data points using the Ln,k(x) polynomials. In the Desmos file we always have n = 2 so I write L0(x) instead of L2,0(x).

Thursday, Sept. 19
Mathematica notebook for Fixed Point iteration, iteratedMap1.nb.

Tuesday, Aug. 27
Here is an example of finding the max of |x^3 - x^2 - x| on the interval -1 ≤ x ≤ 1.
Here are Mathematica demonstrations of the Taylor polynomials for 1/(1-x) and sin(x).
Here is a picture of some partial sums of the power series ln(1+x) = x - x2/2+x3/3 - x4/4 + ... . The series converges iff -1 < x <= 1.
Here is a picture of some partial sums of the power series 1/(1+x2) = 1 - x2 + x4 - x6 + x8 - ... . The series converges iff -1 < x < 1.
Here is a picture of some partial sums of the power series arctan(x) = x - x3/3 + x5/5 - x7/7 + x9/9 - ... . The series converges iff -1 <= x <= 1.
Here is a picture of some partial sums of the power series cos(x) = 1 - x2/2 + x4/4! - x6/6! + ... . The series converges for all x.

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