MAT 661, Professor Swift

MAT 661, Applied Mathematics

Prof. Swift, Fall 2020

pdf of the Syllabus. Here are the math/stat department policies and the university policies and the COVID policies that are technically part of the syllabus.


My office phone, 523-6878, goes straight to voice mail.  You can send me e-mail at My office is AMB 110, but I will not necessarily be at my office for my "office hours". 

The zoom-meeting-office-hour times are:
Tu 10:30-11:40,
W 3:00-4:00,
Th: 3:00-4:00.
During these times you can join the next zoom class using the regular link. Send me email to let me know you are there and I will join you. (You can also send me email in advance letting me know you plan to come to my "office" hours.)
You can always send me e-mail, drop in to my office and talk to me from the hallway, or make an appointment for a zoom meeting at another time if these times aren't convenient. Here is my weekly schedule which still lists my W and Th office hours ending at 4:30. They now end at 4:00.

Please feel free to contact me in person, by phone or via e-mail with any questions about the math, or with any feedback about the class.

You can follow this link to sign up for Mathematica on your personal machine. The program is installed the lab computers in the math building. (How about Engineering?)
This is a great webcast introducing you to Mathematica. I suggest you look at it even if you know about Mathematica.

Here are some graphical resources for differential equations:
Slope Field and Vector Field applet by Darryl Nester of Bluffton University.
Vector Field applet written by Ariel Barton of the University of Arkansas.

External chaos web sites.

Figures and Help in reverse Chronological Order

October 30: Here is a mathematica notebook for solving   a(z) zx + zy =0, z(x,0)=f(x): IVPconservationLaws.nb. (This has been updated since class Friday, to include the parametric curve (xfold(x0), yfold(x0)) where the solution surface "folds" over and has a horizontal normal vector.)
After you understand what that is notebook is doing, you can use this slick version: IVPconservationLawsNew.nb.

October 28: This notebook shows solutions to BurgersInviscidEquation. If the interactive content causes a problem, here is another version of that notebook: BurgersEquationIVP.

October 21: This notebook shows solutions to III2.1(g).

October 16: This notebook shows solutions to problem III2.1(b), along with the inviscid Burger's equation: III2.1b.nb

Sept. 30: This notebook finds infinitely many integral surfaces through and integral curve (like problems II 4.2). It uses the same vector field of problem 4.1b: prob_II_4.1bLike4.2.nb (updated 10-1). If you don't have Mathematica, you can look at the pdf of this notebook, prob_II_4.1bLike4.2.pdf, which will help on the Homework due Monday 10-5. Warning: The Manipulate function used here is kind of "cranky".

Sept. 28: Here are some plots of problem II 4.1(b), and another example with the same vector field but a different curve. (The equations of the integral surfaces are left blank, for you to fill in.)
Here are the graphs of the integral surfaces: prob_II_4.1bSolutions.nb.

Sept. 24: Here I have some new graphics with three different first integrals from problem II 2.8(b): the Mathematica notebooks probII2.8b3FirstIntegrals.nb and probII2.8b3FirstIntegralsManipulate.nb. The first notebook shows that any pair of the three first integrals is functionally independent. The second notebook allows you to choose a point in R3 and plot any or all three of the level surfaces going through that point.

Sept. 22: Here is a computation of Omega and a Mathematica notebook related to Chapter II, problem 2.8(b), that I did on Monday, Sept. 20 in class.

Sept. 11: Here is a figure of Two First Integrals like Figure 1.4 in the book.
Here is a mathematica notebook for showing intersection of level surfaces of two first integrals: surfacesManipulate.nb.

Aug. 31: You might want to check out my MAT 239 page in Fall 2020 (this semester), or in Spring 2020 (last semester).

Aug. 28: Mathematica notebook ConservationOfEnergy.nb that I made after class on Friday, Aug. 28.

Aug. 26: Mathematica notebook cylinderAndPlane.nb that I made in class on Wednesday, Aug. 26.

Aug. 19: Mathematica notebook ElectromagneticWave.nb and the animated gif it produced, linearlyPolarizedLight.gif.

Aug. 19: Mathematica notebook for plotting surfaces and curves.

Aug. 19: Mathematica notebook with Homework 1 help. Wikipedia page on the Implicit Function Theorem.

Aug. 14: Web pages on Maxwell's Equations, the Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation, and the Swift-Hohenberg.

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