My Arizona Created immediately after his release from the Poston, Arizona internment camp, My Arizona represents the scorching sun and unforgiving desertous landscape that Noguchi endured during his internment. A pinkish red strip of plastic is positioned above a grid like ceramic slab. When light is shown onto the piece, the plastic casts a pinkish red light onto the holes and ridges of the ceramic.
Riana Best
Poston Cemetery Blueprint A rough draft of a blueprint for a cemetery within Poston, Arizona internment camp. Done by Isamu Noguchi when he was tasked with heading architectural design for the camp.
Isamu Noguchi, portrait A photo of artist Isamu Noguchi (1904-1988) standing in front of a staircase and sculpture in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles.
Japanese-American children waiting for a train to take them and their parents to Owens Valley A little girl is seen holding a doll while she sits on a pile of luggage outside a train station waiting to be taken to a relocation center.
Japanese-Americans waiting for a train to take them and their parents to Owens Valley Two children sit atop a pile of luggage at a train station as they wait to be taken to an Owens Valley relocation center.
Japanese-Americans going to camp at Owens Valley gather around baggage car at the old Santa Fe Station A black and white photograph showing the evacuation process of Japanese Americans living in Los Angeles county. About thirty people may be seen with luggage surrounding a train.
Park and Recreation Areas at Poston, Arizona Blueprint A blueprint sketch of Noguchi's plans for a park and recreation area within the Poston, Arizona camp. Noguchi was in charge of projects such as this during his time at the camp.
Double Red Mountain A table-like structure made from travertine depicting two mounds, of the same size, in the center. Noguchi's time spent in the Arizona camp influenced the piece.
Tanforan Assembly Center A landscape painting depicting a mountain in the background and the internment camp in the foreground. Many stables and other buildings are seen with a track running through the middle.
Barrack 9, Apt. 6, San Bruno, CA A portrait view painting of the living quarters at the Tanforan internment facility. Human figures, buildings, and mountains may be seen.
Drawing (2) A charcoal drawing depicting two children holding onto a barbed wire fence. Many of Okubo's works enlarge the heads of her subjects, as seen here.
Drawing An abstract charcoal drawing depicting a mother (left) with her child (right). Behind them is a window in which a barbed wire fence may be seen.
Handbag A crocheted handbag with white and blue string depicting an oceanic scene with clouds above. A wooden handle shows her signature as well as a symbol representing her internment camp, Heart Mountain.
Butsudan An ornate wooden display created by Kichitaro Kawase while interned at Amache, Colorado. It depicts multiple levels with cranes and offerings.
To Rohwer A photograph depicting Nobi Tanimoto (unknown) posing in front of his mural. The mural shows the Rohwer Relocation Center in Arkansas with other symbolic motifs such as trains and houses.
Palm Branch Table As a thank you present for helping to nurse his sick daughter, Mr. Tokieko made this table made from wood and palm to his neighbors Effie and Emanuel Johnson, while interned at Fresno Assembly Center.
Flower Brooches and Pins A dozen brooches and pins that were made by victims at the Tule Lake and Topaz internment camps. They were made from hand bleached shells and worn for makeshift funerals and weddings.
Wood Working Class A photograph of an unknown Japanese man in the Rohwer Relocation camp sculpting a hardwood eagle in a woodworking class.
Sketch of Castle Rock at Night A landscape drawing of a mountain range with a crescent moon on the lefthand side and Japanese script on the righthand side, also done at Tule Lake. The use of graphite and subsequent overall darkness of the drawing illustrate the themes of desolation and loss that were found in some of Oiye's works.
Watercolor Painting of Tule Lake A watercolor landscape painting that was created during a period of internment at the Tule Lake facility. It depicts the desertous landscape as well as the buildings and furnace.
Untitled A watercolor painting depicting the harsh landscape of an internment camp in Gila River, a power line and house like structures are shown
Senninbari Vest The Sennibari vest is a traditional Japanese piece of clothing. Made while interned at the Amanche camp in Colorado. The vest is handmade and hand painted, with 1,000 knots each tied by a different internee.
Cemetery, Tule Lake A colorful picture depicting a cross atop a mountain with the cemetery within the internment camp below. Animals, such as a rabbit, may also be seen. The artist was influenced by his time at the Tule Lake camp, even years later.
Terry-towel, hooded A woman sitting on a snowy hill in the foreground with snow capped mountains in the background. A bag full of colorful books is at her side, and her features are covered by the white hood she is wearing. Again, Saito's unique design can be seen as she experiments with a short skirt and hood combination, rare for the time. Similiarly influenced by western and contemporary fashion.