"If We Don't End War, War Will End Us." H.G Wells

During the post-revolutionary war, many people were sent to fight for their country. Men and women were sent or offered an opportunity to fight so they could gain better benefits. For example, they would be offered food, warmth, and other things that they did not have because of the war. People were praised and demanded that it was their duty to fight for Mexico, so they went to fight. 

A José Clemente Orozco artwork that shows the impact that war had on a community was The Flag. The Flag describes the concept of war, it shows how demanding and draining it had on the community. Men were sent to war and the women were waiting for their loved ones to return. The people were sent to fight even though they had to leave people behind, for a better future for their loved ones. Futhermore, this artwork shows the effect of war because it shows them marching with the country's flag, which represents their pride for their home. 

Another example of Orozco artwork that portrayed a more detailed concept of war is Revolution. This piece shows the negative effects that come from war, for instance, the feeling of loss, inequality, and human suffering. The people portrayed in the artwork are devastated and tired because of war. The war made them lose their home and land, the only thing they have is family. 

In conclusion, these art pieces show and explain how José Orozco saw the effect that war had on the peasants and the working class. For example, people lost their lives, homes, and lands. The war caused heavy losses (mentally and physically) however, it shows the importance of community and family.