Family: Post- Revolutionary

“One’s family is the most important aspect of life for (most) Mexicans”.

Family during the Mexican revolution was a crucial point of the country. As the world was fighting and going through ruins, family influenced people to fight. For Orozco, he wanted to show and describe how the Mexican revolution affected families. He wanted to explain and demonstrate the hardship that followed the families of Mexico. 

For example, Three Generations shows three women together. There is an elder lady, a mom, and a child. It shows the continuation of family, even during hardship but war can not take away the hope for a better future for other generations. Although there is hope, the image can also represent the men going to fight in war while the women wait for them. Another example is the Sleeping family, this piece demonstrates the struggle the working class must face. The family is sleeping on the floor in a little home, even though they don't have much of them sleeping together shows the connection they have. To sum up, the pieces illustrate that the familes don't have much material items, they have each other.