MAT 238, Professor Swift

MAT 238, Calculus III

Prof. Swift, Fall 2024

Home page     Schedule     Exams     WeBWorK     Syllabus


Here are approximate dates and topics of the three in-class midterm exams. The true date and topics will be announced in class at least 1 week in advance.

Exam 1, on WeBWorK sets 12.1 to 13.3, was on Tuesday, Sept. 24 (week 5).

Exam 2, on WeBWorK sets 14.1 to 14.8, will be on Friday, October 18 (week 8).
A sample exam will be posted to Canvas sometime before Monday, Oct. 14.
The MAP room will be holding a review session on Tuesday, October 15 at 6-7pm in room AMB 164. A recording should be available at the MAP room Web page. Scroll down and click on "Watch Test Review Recordings".
Here is a histogram of raw scores on MT 2
The scaling is MT2 scaled = 100 + 2*(MT2 raw - 36) = 2*(MT2 raw) + 18. The average was 23.54 and the median was 25.5.
Here is a diagram relevant to the Lagrange Multiplier problem.

Exam 3, on WeBWorK sets 15.1 to 16.5, will be on Friday, November 22 (week 13).
The MAP room will be holding a review session on Thursday, November 14 at 6-7pm in room AMB 163. A recording should be available at the MAP room Web page. Scroll down and click on "Watch Test Review Recordings".
Here is a histogram of raw scores on MT 3 out of 30 points.
The scaling is MT3 scaled = 2*MT3 raw + 40. The average was 18.5 and the median was 18.
We will have 3 WeBWorK sets (17.1, 17.2, and 17.3) after Exam 3.

The Final Exam will be on Monday, December 9, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. The Final exam will be comprehensive (covering the whole course), with a slight emphesis on the last 3 webwork sets.
Here is a histogram of scaled scores on the Final Exam out of 200 class points.
The average was 147.25 (73.6%) and the median was 155 (77.5%).
The MAP room held a review session on Thursday, December 5 at 6-7pm in room AMB 147.

Recordings of the MAP review sessions are at the MAP MAP website. Scroll down and click the yellow box that says "Watch Test Review Recordings" and choose MAT 238.
For exam 1, the first attempt has no sound. Click on the second link, with title "Here".

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