MAT 665, Professor Swift

MAT 665, Ordinary Differential Equations

Prof. Swift, Fall 2019

syllabus. Here are the math department policies and the university policies that are technically part of the syllabus.


Instructor information, including contact information. My office hours are MWF 10:30-12:30 in AMB 110. Here is my weekly schedule. You can always send me e-mail, drop in, or make an appointment if these times aren't convenient.

This is a great webcast introducing you to Mathematica. I suggest you look at it even if you know about Mathematica.

Here are some graphical resources for differential equations:
Slope Field and Vector Field applet by Darryl Nester of Bluffton University.
Hint: For 2D phase portraits, use "System", open "Numerical..." and uncheck "lock t=0 on the left".

Vector Field applet written by Ariel Barton of the University of Arkansas.

External chaos web sites.

Figures and Help in reverse Chronological Order

Numerical solutions of nonlinear ODEs
Mathematica notebook DrivenDampedPendulum.nb. This produced the following animations with c = 1/2 and omega/omega_0 = 2/3 with increasing rho:
Symmetric Period 1 rho = 0.9
Asymmetric Period 1 rho = 1.06
Period 2 rho = 1.078
See some of the animations produced by my MAT 667 class (near the bottom of the page).

Section 1.8: What are the JCFs of these two matrices with eigenvalues 5?
Here is my Jordan Canonical Form algorithm.
Here are some scanned Examples From Perko.
The general solution for a 4x4 matrix with repeated complex conjugate eigenvalues.

Section 1.7 and beyond: You can use mathematica (or matlab) to do matrix operations. Here is the notebook I made in class, matrixOperationsClass.nb, finding the S+N decomposition of a matrix.

Section 1.6: General solution and phase portrait for an example where A has complex eigenvalues. Here is a worked example, finishing the example I started in class with eignvalues -1 +/- 2i. Here's another example, with the phase portraits drawn by computer.

Section 1.3: Here is a proof of Corollary 4 that is different from the book.
Here's a notebook of what I asked you to do on problem 1.3 1b: prob1.3-1b.nb. Nobody did it! Maybe I was too polite, calling it a hint and saying "I'd like you to find the function...".

Section 1.1: Here are some examples of three-dimensional phase portraits of uncoupled linear systems in R3. I notice that the homework on section 1.1 doesn't need this type of phase portraits. I will write extra problems with this. Nothing yet

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